Even tho i reside in Germany, i am a U.S. Citizen and i am folowing the U.S. Media pretty closely. And in doing so, i was pretty shoked to read articles about the "soon to come men´s birth control pill". It is a pill quite similiar to the one women are taking for to not get preagnent.

The articles Headline was "Male birth control study nixed after men can't handle side effects women face daily." And reading on i was led to believe, that Men were complaining about side effects like Acne and Mood changes. Side effects that women have to cope with every day, taking thier pills. The Men taking part in that Studie were portraied as whiny little weaklings that cannot cope with something as secondary as this.

But like in all things Media today, you cannot just take what they write for a fact. Especially not when the autor is an outspoken Feminist. So i did a little research on my own and actually found the study they were refering to.

It´s true, men have the same side effects as women and i was like "OMG!" But reading on, the study states that men have these side effects on a scale of 10, compared to women. so the same side effects, but ten times as strong. And that was not everything. Reading on, i found that 4 out of 10 Men, taking theses pills, were rendered permanently infertile. Others had thier sperm count drastically reduced.

So this Study was infact not halted because of a little acne and some moody behavior, that whimpy idiots could not take, but because this pill has servere side effects, impacting the lifes of these Men forever. These facts were completly ignored by the Feminist community and twisted into a socalled "Plan of Patriarchy to opress Women with Birth Control!"

That is, willingly and knowingly, keeping critical Information from the Public, to draw a Picture of something, that is not there, that does not exist. So in fact, the Whimpy and moody Idiots in this case, are not the Men, who just dont want to be rendered infertile for the rest of thier lifes, but the retarted Feminists, who lie to get thier way.

p.s. While i am capable of speaking and reading German, i aint good at writing it. So, if someone wants to translate, lemme know.

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