can the subaltern speak? - yes, they can!

beispielsweise in, einem artikel von Majed Abusalama, der an der causa Mbembe darlegt, wie nicht nur Mbembe mit hilfe des herrschaftsarguments antisemit! diskreditiert wird, sondern auch palästinensische stimmen in 'schland generell zum schweigen gebracht werden sollen. und zwar nicht nur in der allgemeinen/medialen öffentlichkeit, sondern gerade auch im wissenschaftlichen und kulturellen diskurs.

ironie der geschichte: mit der resolution vom 17. mai 2019, in der boykottaufrufe gegen israel++, kurz BDS, als antisemitisch verurteilt werden, und die von 240 israelischen+jüdischen wissenschaftlerinnen kritisiert wurde, hat sich 'schland nun mit der causa Mbembe selbst zum anwärter auf boykottmaßnahmen gemacht. in dieser boykotterklärung heißt es

" (...)The signatories of this letter hold a variety of positions on BDS, but we agree with the 40 Jewish organizations and also with the three German courts — most recently the Administrative Court of Cologne, in September 2019 — that have reaffirmed that support for BDS is a legitimate exercise of the universally recognized right of freedom of expression.

To make the awarding of a prize, or a hiring decision, contingent on a commitment to disavow BDS not only violates academic freedom and the rights of freedom of expression described above. It also makes a mockery of the very system for and purpose of awarding prizes to individuals judged to be leaders in their fields. To reverse a prize jury’s decision or to withdraw an invitation to speak on ideological grounds is an intolerable interference that we cannot condone, even by our participation in juries subject to such interference.

Accusations of the kind levelled by politicians like Deutsch, Klein, and city officials in Germany are intended to narrow the frame of discussion solely to antisemitism and its pernicious impacts. They are designed to draw attention away from, and to silence, any critical focus on the treatment of Palestinians in Israel-Palestine. We anticipate that some will seek to paint this point as an expression of or relativization of anti-Semitism; to do so would be to engage in exactly the tactics we are opposing with this statement.

While we wish to acknowledge how much we appreciate the honor of being chosen to consult on prizes and hiring decisions, we cannot continue to lend our weight to judgments of artistic, scientific, or scholarly distinction that are subject to political interference. We therefore wish to inform the German artistic and academic community and the institutions that support them, including municipal councils, that all of us undersigned will no longer agree to serve on prize committees or in hiring consultations if there are convincing indicators that their decisions may be subject to ideological or political interference or litmus tests. In such cases, we will specifically require assurance that the support for any non-violent campaign (including BDS) directed at any country that practices discrimination and violence against any population under its control will not be used as a litmus test to disqualify candidates selected for hiring, distinction, or honor."

ich hoffe, diese boykotterklärung rüttelt auf und bringt die eine+den anderen dazu, ihre position zu BDS und dem gebrauch eines entgrenzten antisemitismusbegriffs, wie er in der antisemitismusdefinition der HRA angelegt ist, kritisch zu überprüfen.

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