Guardian - Außenminister Kurz beschuldigte EU als Menschenhändler

EU acting like ‘human trafficker’ of refugees (= Menschenhändler der Flüchtlinge), says Austrian minister.....restoring Dublin and Schengen agreements must be priority.

Kurz beschuldigte die EU, dass sie Flüchtlinge durch das Herz Europas durchwinkt, was langfristig unakzeptabel sei. Die EU könne nicht wie ein Menschenhändler agieren.

Austria’s foreign minister has accused the European Union of “acting like a human trafficker” by ushering refugees straight to the centre of the continent. Speaking exclusively to the Observer before Monday’s crucial EU-Turkey summit, Sebastian Kurz said that “in Greece refugees are being waved through to the heart of Europe. That is simply unacceptable in the long run. The European Union cannot act like a human trafficker.” Restoring the Dublin and Schengen agreements, he said, had to be a priority .......

Österreich hat mit seiner rebellischen Westbalkanallianz Merkel's Pläne vereitelt, die Grenzen mit Hilfe einer gemeinsamen EU-Lösung für Flüchtlinge offenzuhalten und damit eine bemerkenswerte, politische 180%-Wende mit Faymann betrieben..

Austria has emerged as the leader of a rebel alliance of central European and west Balkan states that have thwarted German chancellor Angela Merkel’s strategy for an EU-wide solution to the refugee crisis – a remarkable turnaround from last summer when Austria’s chancellor, Werner Faymann, had strongly supported Merkel’s open-border stance.

Über 85.000 Asylanträge für Österreich seien die 3.höchste Anzahl pro Kopf gerechnet in Europa gewesen nach Ungarn und Schweden. Beim "Putschtreffen in Wien" wurden ja Deutschland und Griechenland nicht eingeladen.

Austria received 85,500 applications for asylum in 2015, the third highest number of applications per capita in Europe after Hungary and Sweden. But diplomatic tensions between the countries have risen since Austria called what the German media has described as a “putsch-like meeting” on migration in Vienna, to which both Germany and Greece were not invited. Macedonia’s decision to tighten its border with Greece, allowing only Syrians and Iraqis to pass through into the EU, has created tumultuous scenes along its border fence................Kurz, who has emerged as one of the most vocal agitators against the German plan for the refugee crisis, defended his country’s course of action. “What is happening on the Macedonian border is absurd,” Kurz, a member of the conservative Austrian People’s party, said. “You have people protesting and in some cases resorting to violence because they want to move from an EU state into a non-EU state. It shows what grave mistakes some European politicians have made over the last 12 months. Opening the borders in 2015 has led to an influx that Europe can no longer shoulder.”..............keeping refugees out.’

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