nämlich den festen glauben daran, dass eine rückkehr der 1947+48 und 1967 vertriebenen/geflüchteten palästinenserinnen nach Israel proper+in die heutigen OPT die existenz Israels beenden täte.

dass dies nicht zwangsläufig der fall wäre/sein müßte, zeigt er in https://www.theguardian.com/news/2021/may/18/a-jewish-case-for-palestinian-refugee-return auf.

er beginnt mit der frage "Why is dreaming of return laudable for Jews but pathological for Palestinians? Asking the question does not imply that the two dreams are symmetrical. The Palestinian families that mourn cities such as Jaffa or Safed lived there recently, and remember intimate details about their lost homes. They experienced dispossession from Israel-Palestine. The Jews who for centuries afflicted themselves on Tisha B’Av – and those who created the Zionist movement in the late 19th century, in response to rising nationalism and antisemitism in Europe – only imagined it.", nimmt Mahmoud Darwishs dictum “You created our exile, we didn’t create your exile.” auf und zeichnet nach, wie die keierung des palästinensischen exils vonstatten ging.

dem beliebten *hätten die araber den teilungsplan von 1947 nicht abgelehnt, hätten sie ihren eigenen staat haben können* hält er entgegen: "This is misleading. Zionist leaders accepted the UN partition plan on paper while undoing it on the ground. The UN proposal envisioned a Jewish state encompassing 55% of Mandatory Palestine’s land, even though Jews composed only a third of its population. Within the new state’s suggested borders, Palestinians thus constituted as much as 47% of the population. Most Zionist leaders considered this unacceptable. The Israeli historian Benny Morris notes that David Ben-Gurion, soon to be Israel’s first prime minister, “clearly wanted as few Arabs as possible in the Jewish State”. As early as 1938, Ben-Gurion had declared: “I support compulsory transfer.” His logic, concludes Morris, was clear: “Without some sort of massive displacement of Arabs from the area of the Jewish state-to-be, there could be no viable ‘Jewish’ state.”. so nimmt er einen nach dem anderen die gründungsmythen rund um den sog. unabhängigkeitskrieg auseinander und stellt fest: "In roughly 18 months, Zionist forces evicted upwards of 700,000 individuals, more than half of Mandatory Palestine’s Arab population. They emptied more than 400 Palestinian villages and depopulated the Palestinian sections of many of Israel-Palestine’s mixed cities and towns. In each of these places, Palestinians endured horrors that haunted them for the rest of their lives." das ergebnis dieser säuberungen stellt sich kurz gefaßt wie folgt dar: "The scale of the land theft was astonishing. When the UN passed its partition plan in November 1947, Jews owned roughly 7% of the territory of Mandatory Palestine. By the early 50s, almost 95% of Israel’s land was owned by the Jewish state."

verständlich, dass das rückkehrrecht der palästinenserinnen Israel+ihre best friends alpträume beschert.

dabei: rückkehr wäre machbar, den politischen willen dazu vorausgesetzt.

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